Difference: WebAtomBase (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-11-15 - TWikiContributor


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ATOM Feed Internals

Each web has a WebAtom topic which includes part of this WebAtomBase topic. This topic is the base for the ATOM feed and generates an WebAtom 1.0 feed for TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication.

The WebAtom topic in each web contains the following text:

<title><nop>%WIKITOOLNAME%'s <nop>%INCLUDINGWEB% web</title>
<subtitle>(the description of the web, plain text with no markup and no wikiwords). TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.</subtitle>
%INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebAtomBase"}% <!--
   * Set SKIN = rss

Below part is included by each WebAtom topic:

 Copyright 2024 by contributing authors
2015-11-29T10:27:04Z TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm 2015-11-29T10:27:04Z Package TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition Base class of all field definition classes. Type specific classes are derived from this class to define specific per type behaviours... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiDotPm 2015-11-29T10:27:03Z Package TWiki TWiki operates by creating a singleton object (known as the Session object) that acts as a point of reference for all the different modules in the system... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiEngineDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiEngineDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Engine The engine class is a singleton that implements details about TWiki`s execution mode. This is the base class and implements basic behavior.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiResponseDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiResponseDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Response Class to encapsulate response data. Fields: status response status headers hashref to response headers body... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiLoginManagerSessionDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiLoginManagerSessionDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::LoginManager::Session Class to provide CGI::Session like infra structure, compatible with TWiki Runtime Engine mechanisms other than CGI. It inherits... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::CertificateChecker Configure GUI checker for Certificate items. This checker validates files that contain X.509 certificates,... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateKeyCheckerDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateKeyCheckerDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::Certificate::KeyChecker Configure GUI checker for Certificate Key items. This checker validates files that contain private key... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiFormSelectDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormSelectDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Form::Select getDefaultValue() $value The default for a select is always the empty string, as there is no way in TWiki form definitions to indicate... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureLoadDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureLoadDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Load This module consists of just a single subroutine readConfig . It allows to safely modify configuration variables for one single... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUserMappingDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUserMappingDotPm 2011-08-21T04:16:08Z Package TWiki::UserMapping This is a virtual base class (a.k.a an interface) for all user mappers. It is not useable as a mapping in TWiki use the BaseUserMapping... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPrefsDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPrefsDotPm 2010-05-29T14:44:10Z Package TWiki::Prefs The Prefs class is a singleton that implements management of preferences. It uses a stack of TWiki::Prefs::PrefsCache objects to store the preferences... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPluralsDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPluralsDotPm 2009-03-30T09:17:52Z Package TWiki::Plurals Handle conversion of plural topic names to singular form. StaticMethod singularForm ($web,$pluralForm) $singularForm Try to singularise... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiInfixParserDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiInfixParserDotPm 2008-12-06T09:02:22Z Package TWiki::Infix::Parser A simple stack based parser that parses infix expressions with nonary, unary and binary operators specified using an operator table.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiIfOP_iswebDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiIfOP_iswebDotPm 2008-12-06T09:02:15Z Package TWiki::If::OP isweb (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUISaveDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUISaveDotPm 2008-01-22T03:21:35Z Package TWiki::UI::Save UI delegate for save function StaticMethod save ($session) Command handler for save command. This method is designed to be invoked via... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUIRegisterDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUIRegisterDotPm 2008-01-22T03:21:35Z Package TWiki::UI::Register User registration handling. StaticMethod register cgi ($session) register command handler. This method is designed to be invoked... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor
TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm 2015-11-29T10:27:04Z Package TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition Base class of all field definition classes. Type specific classes are derived from this class to define specific per type behaviours... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiMdrepoDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiMdrepoDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Mdrepo ClassMethod new ($session) Construct a Mdrepo module. It`s a caller`s responsibility to guarantee all of the followings defined: $TWiki... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUIMdrepoUIDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUIMdrepoUIDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::UI::MdrepoUI UI delegate for mdrepo function StaticMethod mdrepo ($session); (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiResponseDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiResponseDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Response Class to encapsulate response data. Fields: status response status headers hashref to response headers body... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiLoginManagerSessionDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiLoginManagerSessionDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::LoginManager::Session Class to provide CGI::Session like infra structure, compatible with TWiki Runtime Engine mechanisms other than CGI. It inherits... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiEngineDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiEngineDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Engine The engine class is a singleton that implements details about TWiki`s execution mode. This is the base class and implements basic behavior.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::CertificateChecker Configure GUI checker for Certificate items. This checker validates files that contain X.509 certificates,... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureLoadDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureLoadDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Load This module consists of just a single subroutine readConfig . It allows to safely modify configuration variables for one single... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateKeyCheckerDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateKeyCheckerDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::Certificate::KeyChecker Configure GUI checker for Certificate Key items. This checker validates files that contain private key... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiFormSelectDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormSelectDotPm 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z Package TWiki::Form::Select getDefaultValue() $value The default for a select is always the empty string, as there is no way in TWiki form definitions to indicate... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUserMappingDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUserMappingDotPm 2011-08-21T04:16:08Z Package TWiki::UserMapping This is a virtual base class (a.k.a an interface) for all user mappers. It is not useable as a mapping in TWiki use the BaseUserMapping... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPrefsDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPrefsDotPm 2010-05-29T14:44:10Z Package TWiki::Prefs The Prefs class is a singleton that implements management of preferences. It uses a stack of TWiki::Prefs::PrefsCache objects to store the preferences... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiPluralsDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPluralsDotPm 2009-03-30T09:17:52Z Package TWiki::Plurals Handle conversion of plural topic names to singular form. StaticMethod singularForm ($web,$pluralForm) $singularForm Try to singularise... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiInfixParserDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiInfixParserDotPm 2008-12-06T09:02:22Z Package TWiki::Infix::Parser A simple stack based parser that parses infix expressions with nonary, unary and binary operators specified using an operator table.... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiIfOP_iswebDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiIfOP_iswebDotPm 2008-12-06T09:02:15Z Package TWiki::If::OP isweb (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor TWikiUISaveDotPm https://g3.dmuk.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUISaveDotPm 2008-01-22T03:21:35Z Package TWiki::UI::Save UI delegate for save function StaticMethod save ($session) Command handler for save command. This method is designed to be invoked via... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

See also: WebRssBase, TWiki:Codev/AtomSyndication

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